I have fallen way off the wagon, I must admit. Not sure why, exactly. Nothing has "happened" that is particularly shocking, upsetting or stressful (well, nothing stressful that wasn't already there all along anyway). But I'm back at home and getting back into my usual routine... and my "routine" apparently leaves a lot of room for mindless snacking and not bothering to plan ahead for what I'm eating when I'm home alone all day. Need to start fresh and focus on ingraining some much better habits into my lifestyle, or nothing will ever change. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results (said Ben Franklin).

My step-daughter is apparently doing great on WW though. She's lost, as of Monday, 10 kilos which is 22 pounds, and in just five weeks! I'm so proud of her and she seems really happy to be getting results with a program that is, as she calls it, "so efficient". Clearly, she is learning that she can lose weight and take control of her body without suffering or starving, and at 21 this is a very valuable thing for her to be discovering. Good habits instilled now can last her a lifetime. I think she may always be someone who has to think about her weight and what she's putting in her mouth -- it's just her physical make-up -- but what I've been telling her is that now she has the tools to manage this over the course of her life. I think this appeals to her logical mind more than some emotional rationale might. That's a law student for you, you have to give them facts and evidence to prove your case. :)
For me, overeating is definitely a more emotion-related thing. I can give all sorts of logical "reasons" why I do this or that, but at the end of the day when I over-indulge it is always a matter of some inner trigger and me just reacting to it automatically, without thinking (or if I do think about it, I manage to push those thoughts aside while eating another piece of chocolate).
Today was actually supposed to be weigh-in day but I'm going to weigh in tomorrow, as I completely forgot about weighing myself this morning and now I've already eaten breakfast. I'm not anticipating good news but I have to face the realities. On the more positive side, I got in a great workout yesterday what with cleaning our rental apartment for three hours and walking there (steep uphill walk) and back TWICE because of guests checking out and checking in. I need more of THAT sort of thing, for sure.
As Scarlett O'Hara said at the end of "Gone With the Wind", when facing yet another crisis in her life: "Tomorrow is another day!"
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