I am trying something new as a means of making the necessary shifts toward a healthier me: Meditation.
I have never been able to successfully get into a consistent meditation practice. In fact, I doubt I've ever meditated more than 2 or 3 days in succession before quitting. Stillness isn't something that comes naturally to me, even though "couch potato" would be an apt description. I have always found meditation profoundly uncomfortable. Yet I know there are so many health benefits to it, not to mention it can do wonders for one's creativity.
A few weeks ago, along came an email message from Oprah herself; she and Deepak Chopra, someone whose work I admire greatly, have joined together to create a free 21-Day Meditation Challenge for Perfect Health. I signed up and it started today, and I have already done my first meditation. They are short (about 17 minutes on average and not all of that time is spent actually meditating) and you can do them using your computer, smart phone, or iPad and a headset. You don't have to chant out loud; Deepak gives daily mantras but you say them silently in your mind (although I suppose you could say them out loud). The system also has an online journal where you can reflect on your experiences and jot down your thoughts.
I liked the first meditation. Deepak's voice is low and calm, and he doesn't talk all the way through the meditation time, which I like because it's distracting to me when the meditation guide won't shut up. It was useful for me to reflect on what I define as "Perfect Health" and to set some intentions for myself about that. We will see what happens over the next 21 days but I am open to the possibility that perhaps THIS will lead me into a sustainable daily meditation practice as well as help me shift the thoughts and beliefs that have gotten me where I am right now: overweight and unhealthy.
If you want to join me (and Oprah and Deepak), here's the site where you can sign up:
http://www.chopracentermeditation.com. Namasté!
Whatever it takes to get your head in the right place to begin the jouney is good!