Sunday, July 29, 2012

Days 45-46: Creeping

So my weight loss is creeping downward but seems like things are going better: another -1.1 this time (and not even my regular weigh-in day until Thursday). I'm not 100% at tracking my food intake but every day I'm tracking something. Drinking a lot more water, which I really seem to need in the hot climate. I think I'm just not snacking mindlessly (even with the added stress I'm under this week -- and by the way there's nothing wrong with me personally, I'm fine, just concerned about someone else I know and love). And the greatly reduced snacking habit is helping me a lot to balance the fact that I don't have total control over the way meals are being prepared, whether at home or in a restaurant.

Today I had a delicious lobster ravioli dish at lunch, which I enjoyed, but it was a bit too salty so I think I'll be paying for that in water weight gain tomorrow. But I skipped the appetizer course so I could eat my main course without getting too full. The French tend to eat their big meal of the day in courses, and if they go all-out (which they do NOT do on a daily basis), they would have an appetizer, the main course, a salad afterward, then cheese followed by a dessert and coffee. We pretty much only do something that extensive on holidays, so when we eat out we limit ourselves to either an appetizer + main course (skipping dessert), OR main course + dessert (skipping the starter) to balance things out. Today, I went for the dessert which was supposed to be 3 scoops of ice cream; I asked to have just ONE.

It's not about being perfect and depriving myself; it's about moderation, balance, and making an informed decision. I'm on vacation so I want to enjoy what I am eating or drinking, without guilt. So far, that's working pretty well because I haven't felt very guilty AT ALL. :)

It's kind of fun weighing myself in kilos instead of pounds because 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds, so in metric I weigh less than half of what I weigh in American. A silly mental game, but kind of fun. Thank goodness I have a US/metric conversion app on my iPhone so I know what I'm REALLY doing.

Tomorrow will be a mixed bag: swimming in a pool in the morning, so I can get in some low-impact exercise. Then lunch at the beach followed by vegging out all afternoon on a beach chair under an umbrella (with swim breaks here and there to cool off). Then what I hope will be a very light dinner since we'll be lunching at the beach-front restaurant.

And now, back to my siesta...

1 comment:

  1. Creeping downward is GOOD! If it keeps creeping in that direction you will meet your goal without too much deprivation...


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